This type of finish has the least amount of defects on the surface. It also has the most even colour and shone, or gloss. Like looking at the bonnet of a car, if no dents and dips can be seen, it’s a Class A finish like the images in website. Read MoreWhat is a “Class A finish”?
GPC Cement (General Purpose cement) is more expensive when compared to PPC (Plain cement concrete), which is a factor in making PPC the more commonly used type for residential projects and commercial concrete construction. Read MoreWhich cement is more costly, GPC or PPC?
Typically concrete driveways can be poured down as thin as 2 inches – however the thicker it is, the long it will last, and the more use it can withstand. Projects such as walkways, or lightly used driveway areas would be where thinner concrete applications would be used. Read MoreWhat is the minimum thickness for concrete?
The industry standard for a concrete house slab thickness is 4 inches. Up to 5 or 6 is the recommended thickness if the slab will be under heavy loads like large caravans or large work trucks. Read MoreHow thick is a concrete floor slab?
For level bases and bedding for footings, the usual grade of concrete used is M10 or M15 M20 is standard for use with reinforced cement concrete when being used in beams, slabs, supporting columns in buildings in commercial concrete pours. Read MoreWhich grade of concrete is used for floor slab?
This is what we refer to as a specific grade of concrete that after 28 days of curing, will have the compression strength of 25 N/mm. For more info check out our concrete driveway page Read MoreWhat is m25 ratio for concrete?
Someone that works with concrete is usually called a concreter, but can also be called ‘concrete finishers’ as they need to smooth and finish the surface of freshly poured concrete. Formwork Concrete Page Read MoreWhat is a concrete worker called?
Because well cured concrete is strong, crack resistant, stable and able to cope with high compressed loads, these are all negatively affected if curing hasn’t been done. Slabs or forms can shrink, wrap, crack and crumble, and the surface layer will be much weaker than it should be. Read MoreWhat happens if curing is not done?
With concrete, everything we expect from it (strength, durability etc) is increased with proper curing – and so curing should be as long as it can be within reason. There is typically a minimum of 7 days for concrete driveways info to cure for, at as low as 5º C. Read MoreWhat is the minimum curing period for concrete?
Despite what you may think, concrete needs to be kept moist so that it’s curing process can complete. Because it hardens due to a hydration, a chemical reaction between concrete and water, using water for 20 days or more during the curing stage can actually doubles it’s strength! Read MoreDoes wetting concrete make it stronger?